Conditional correctness of the initial-boundary value problem for the mixed type fourth-order partial differential equation with two degenerate lines


  • Yashin Khudayberganov NUU
  • Kudratillo Fayazov


boundary problem, mixed type equation with two degenerate lines, ill-posed problem, a priori estimate, estimate of conditional stability, uniqueness, set of correctness.


This paper is devoted to investigate conditional correctness of the initial-boundary value problem for a mixed type fourth-order partial differential equation with two degenerate lines. Considered problem is ill-posed in the sense of J. Hadamard. Following to the idea of A.N. Tikhonov about approximate solution of ill-posed problems we proof the theorems of the uniqueness and conditional stability.


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How to Cite

Khudayberganov, Y., & Fayazov, K. (2023). Conditional correctness of the initial-boundary value problem for the mixed type fourth-order partial differential equation with two degenerate lines. Acta of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, 13(2), 9–15. Retrieved from