Technical and economic feasibility of using a gas generator unit using the example of Angren TPP JSC


  • Murodjon Kavkatbekov Tashkent state technical university named after Islam Karimov


The article provides a feasibility study for the imple-mentation of a layered gasification installation for Angren brown coal, as well as the possibility of using the resulting generator gas as fuel for lighting in boilers of the TP-230-2 type at Angren TPP JSC. The qualitative characteristics of the resulting generator gas are given, and annual atmospheric emissions from the combustion of generator gas are calculated. A technological scheme for con-necting a gas generator installation to an existing boiler unit of the TP-230-2 type is proposed.


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How to Cite

Kavkatbekov, M. (2024). Technical and economic feasibility of using a gas generator unit using the example of Angren TPP JSC. Acta of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, 14(1), 34–38. Retrieved from



Technical Science and Engineering