cargo transportation, weight and dimension control, heavy and (or) large-sized vehicles, bulky and heavy cargo, weighing, weight and dimension control post, dynamic scales, overload, special permission, highwaysAbstract
Annotation. In order to ensure the safety of highways, the permissible values of mass, axle loads and dimensions of vehicles have been established. Violations of permissible parameters - the movement of vehicles with excess of the permissible mass or axle loads (with or without cargo), leads to premature destruction of the roadway, the cost of unscheduled repairs, and a decrease in the level of road safety. In the course of business activities, it may be necessary to drive with parameters exceeding the permissible values. Vehicles performing such transportation are called heavy and (or) large-sized vehicles (HLV). The movement of vehicles and the transportation of goods in excess of the permissible parameters without special permission is an administrative offense, liability for which is provided for by law. The system of weight and dimensional control (weight control, dimensional control) is designed to detect the facts of movement of vehicles with excess of the permissible weight and (or) dimensional parameters without special permission in order to attract the owners of such vehicles to administrative responsibility and collect funds in order to compensate for the damage caused to the road. The system of weight and dimension control combines weight control and dimension control of vehicles in one whole. The list of normative and legal documents, on the basis of which the system of weight and size (weight, dimensional) control works, is given. The organization of movement on highways of large and heavy vehicles, as well as their overload on wheel axles, requires attention to ensuring the safety of roads and road safety. In this regard, in world practice, in order to prevent a reduction in the service life of road surfaces and ensure road safety, control and limitation by legislative and regulatory acts of the weight and dimensional parameters of vehicles are provided. The permitted weights of vehicles are given (with or without cargo).
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