A Comparison of Engine Oil Life Cycle in Different Vehicles by Using Hydrogen-Gasoline and Gasoline Fuels.


  • Sharipov Alisher Kalbayevich Kalbayevich
  • Inoyatkhodjayev Jamshid Shuxratillayevich


In this study three different fuels named methane and gasoline AI-92 added hydrogen were used to test in a gasoline engine.[1] First of all experiments were carried three different kinds of engine oils named Castrol (syntetic5W40), Mannnol (mineral 10W40) and Lukoil (semisyntetic5W40), namely unused and used oils it taken from of three types motor vehicles.[2] The change in characteristics of flash temperatures, number of alkali and kinematic viscosity of test oils were analyzed.[3] A theoretical model was established with the result by ISO 2592:2000,[4] ISO 2909 – 1981[5], laboratorial ionizer I-160-MI. The test synthetic and mineral oils were obtained from cars travels approximately 8,000-10,000 km in 250-310 days in the typical urban traffic condition of Uzbekistan. The recommended approach can provide some reference for end users to drain their motor oil reasonably.


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How to Cite

Sharipov, A., & Inoyatkhodjayev, J. (2022). A Comparison of Engine Oil Life Cycle in Different Vehicles by Using Hydrogen-Gasoline and Gasoline Fuels. Acta of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, 12(2). Retrieved from https://acta.polito.uz/index.php/journal/article/view/157



Technical Science and Engineering