
  • Alisher Sharipov Kalbayevich


Kinematic viscosity, mixture density, concentration, velocity intensity, velocity field, interpenetration, interaction, single-phase jet.


The paper presents an approach to get a mathemati-cal model for describing a life cycle of motor oils an internal com-bustion engine (ICE). The numerical analysis of this mathematical model considering the variables of the process, is a very hard task. In this case, we propose the determination of this model using a temperatures regime of engine, in order to determine the vary quan-tity of parameter that effects the resources of the lubricant used an ICE. Our approach based on data uses the I. D. Rodziller theory for the identification of the mathematical model, which follows at vary-ing temperatures of engines to solve the problem. The result data were collected from an used oil well. This paper presents the re-sults of the training phase and of the generated models after several iterations of gasoline and hydrogen blends. Additionally, the paper analyses the differences between the generated theory, according to the number of variables considered, the complexity of the expres-sions, and the error.


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How to Cite

Sharipov, A. (2024). MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR ESTABLISHING THE LIFE CYCLE OF MOTOR OILS. Acta of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, 13(4), 13–16. Retrieved from



Technical Science and Engineering