

assessment, IRI, pavement roughness, road surface conditions, Roughometer, traffic flow, traffic safety, traffic speed, urban streets


Traffic safety is one of the main concerns of the highway engineers of any country. The main goal of traffic safety is to reduce the frequency and severity of road accidents. The design and construction of quality roads plays an important role in improving road safety. This article assessed the effect of pavement roughness on traffic speed by conducting experiments on the streets of Tashkent. The result shows that pavement roughness, measured by the International Roughness Index (hereinafter IRI), is indirectly proportional to traffic speed.

Author Biography

Amir Beketov, Researcher-pedagogue, Tashkent State Transport University

Urban Roads and Streets department


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How to Cite

Beketov, A., & Yunusov, A. (2023). ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECT OF PAVEMENT ROUGHNESS ON TRAFFIC SPEED. Acta of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, 13(1), 11–15. Retrieved from



Technical Science and Engineering