On Hitting Times of Circle Maps with Generalized Dynamical Partitions


  • Javlon Karimov Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent


circle homeomorphisms, break point, rotation number, invariant measure, return time, hitting time


In present work we study the hitting times for circle homeomorphisms with one break point and universal renormalization properties. Consider the set $X(\rho) $ of all orientation preserving circle homeomorphisms $T\in C^{2+\varepsilon}(S^{1}\setminus\{x_{b}\}),\,\,\,\varepsilon>0,$ with one break point $ x_{b}$ and irrational rotation number $\rho_{T}=\frac{-k+\sqrt{{{k}^{2}}+4}}{2},\,\,k\ge 1.$
For each $n\geq1$ we define $c_{n}:=c_{n}(c)$ such that $\mu([x_{b},c_{n}])=c\cdot\mu([x_{b},T^{q_{n}}(x_{b})]),$ where $q_{n}$
are first return times of $T.$ Denote by $E_{n,c}(x)$ first hitting times of $x$ to interval $[x_{b},c_{n}]. $ Consider the rescaled first hitting time $\overline{E}_{n,c}:=\frac{1}{q_{n+1}}E_{n,c}(x)$. We study convergence in law of random variables $\overline{E}_{n,c}(x).$ We show that the limit distribution is singular w.r.t. Lebesgue measure.


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How to Cite

Karimov, J. (2024). On Hitting Times of Circle Maps with Generalized Dynamical Partitions. Acta of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, 14(1), 11–14. Retrieved from https://acta.polito.uz/index.php/journal/article/view/240