Transforming the Workforce Through Advanced Communication and Mechatronics


  • Farkhod Makhkamov Farkhod M


Collaborative Robots, Industry 4.0, Safety Standards, Human-Robot Interaction, Mechatronics, Workforce Transformation


Collaborative robots (cobots) are revolutionizing contemporary industries by facilitating fluid interaction between humans and machines via sophisticated mechatronics and communication technologies. This study examines their technical basis, applications, and contributions to Industry 4.0. Cobots promote productivity and mitigate industrial injuries with advanced safety systems and adaptability. Case studies from manufacturing and healthcare illustrate their success, however obstacles such as worker adaption and cost barriers remain. Further study is required to enhance safety standards and broaden cobot integration across many industries.


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How to Cite

Makhkamov, F. (2024). Transforming the Workforce Through Advanced Communication and Mechatronics. Acta of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, 14(2), 65–71. Retrieved from



Technical Science and Engineering