experiment planning;, wet leather semi-finished product;, ceramic-metal base plate;, squeezing rollers;, pressure;, speed;, experiment.Abstract
The article presents the results of an experimental study to determine the influence of such factors as the feed speed, the pressing force of the squeezing rollers on the amount of residual moisture content in the semi-finished leather product after the liquid chrome tanning operation. The experiments were conducted using a cermet base plate, on which one layer of the folded wet leather semi-finished product was previously put and fed vertically between rotating squeezing rollers. The D-optimal method of mathematical planning of the experiment with the K. Kano design matrix was used to conduct experiments. As a result of the study, a mathematical model was obtained for the dependence of the feed speed and the pressing force of the squeezing rollers on the amount of moisture extracted from a wet leather semi-finished product. The analysis of the results of experimental study showed that the use of a base plate made of cermet during squeezing a wet leather semi-finished product increases the efficiency of moisture extraction in comparison with a metal base plate.
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